It’s no secret that fluoride is a controversial topic. Some people believe it’s a helpful additive to tap water, while others claim that it’s harmful and should be removed. So, what’s the truth? Do water filters actually remove fluoride from water?

Let’s take a closer look.

Water filters remove fluoride by removing it before it comes out of your tap water in the first place. However, there are some elements of fluoride removal that are impossible to control for with a filter. For example, if your home is hooked up to a well that has high levels of natural fluoride, then there’s nothing you can do about that.

The same goes for the potential addition of fluoride to your water supply, as this is sometimes done in order to optimize dental health.

The best water filters for removing fluoride include reverse osmosis systems and activated alumina units. These units use a membrane that removes unwanted elements such as fluoride, arsenic, lead and other chemicals from your tap water.

So, when choosing a water filter, make sure that the one you select has the ability to remove fluoride in addition to other contaminants. Also, it’s worth noting that activated alumina filters do not remove fluoride all of the time. Their performance varies due to a number of factors including water pressure and temperature.

At this point, you’re probably wondering which is better: removing fluoride from water or drinking it with fluoride?

In truth, if you’re concerned about the health effects of ingesting too much fluoride, then filtering your water may be your best option. The same goes for young children and senior citizens who have higher risks of developing negative side effects from teeth discoloration and bone problems.

There’s also evidence that fluoride causes skin rashes in some individuals, so if your skin becomes irritated after drinking tap water that contains higher levels of fluoride, then it might be worth looking into water filters for homes with this issue.

It’s important to note that not all water filtration systems are able to remove fluoride, so you’ll need to do your research.

How can you remove fluoride from water?

Fluoride is often added to most toothpastes and mouthwashes for stronger teeth. While fluoride does have dental benefits, too much can lead to fluorosis, a condition that causes brown stains on the teeth.

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There are many filters that remove fluoride from drinking water, including activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis filters and distillation units.

Distilled water is naturally free of fluoride, but a filter must remove any traces that may be introduced when it’s distilled.

Water filtration systems contain several stages to ensure the entire house has purified water. The first stage typically contains a sediment pre-filter, which removes the particles that cause bad tastes, odors and discoloration.

The second stage contains activated carbon or reverse osmosis filters that remove lead, chlorine, sediment, dirt and other harmful chemicals. Finally, a carbon block filter can remove any remaining toxins such as fluoride.

Some water filtration systems contain only two stages: one for sediment pre-filtering and one that removes chemicals such as fluoride with activated carbon or reverse osmosis filters.

Reverse osmosis devices use pressure to push water through membranes with small pores which capture most contaminants including fluoride.

Some distillation units also come with additional features such as ultraviolet lamps which kills bacteria in the process of purifying the water.

How do you get fluoride out of water naturally?

While fluoride is beneficial for teeth, some people prefer to remove it from their water supply for health reasons. If you are one of those people, there are several methods you can use to get fluoride out of water naturally.

1. Clean the Water with Baking Soda.

This is one of the most popular methods for removing fluoride. Start by filling a bucket with water. Make sure it’s clean and free of any dirt or chemicals. Then, pour in 1 cup of baking soda for every gallon of water you’re using.

Let the mixture sit overnight so it can dissolve completely. The next morning, pour the contents through a strainer to remove any remaining solids or debris before storing the water in glass jars or bottles.

2. Boil Water Before Storing It

Boiling your drinking water is another method that works well for removing fluoride naturally. After filling up your pot with bottled water (which has already been filtered), place it on your stove top until it comes to a rolling boil.

Now, pour the boiling water into a container and store it in your refrigerator for safekeeping. Make sure to drink it within 2 – 3 days before discarding and refilling.

The reason this works is because fluoride is not very stable in high heat, so boiling your drinking water effectively removes it from tap water .

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3. Filter Your Water with Reverse Osmosis

If you want to remove fluoride from tap water but don’t want to go through the hassle of using baking soda or boiling methods, consider using another form of filtration such as reverse osmosis.

This method doesn’t require much more effort.

Reverse osmosis systems are especially effective at removing fluoride from water, and they work in a similar manner to a French press. They start by pushing the tap water through a filter that’s under high pressure.

After this, the water is forced through several membranes which then traps any remaining contaminants.

4. Distillation

Distillation is another way you can remove fluoride from tap water. Rather than trapping contaminants, this method separates them completely.

The process involves boiling your tap water and collecting all of the steam that’s created in another container so it doesn’t go back into the original supply

Once the water has cooled down, any fluoride or chemicals will settle at the bottom of this container so they won’t be mixed back in with your drinking water.

5. Activated Charcoal Filters

Activated charcoal filters are another great option if you’re looking for a fast and easy way to remove fluoride from your home’s tap water.

They are inexpensive, reusable, and designed to remove contaminants as you pour the water through them.

Since activated charcoal filters are typically made from natural ingredients, they won’t leave any strange flavors or odors behind in your drinking water.

6. Get Fluoride Filters for Your Faucet

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of buying a special type of filter, consider getting a fluoride faucet attachment instead. Like activated charcoal filters, these work fast and can be attached to your existing tap system with little effort

In most cases, all you’ll have to do is unscrew the included aerator from your tap and screw this new one on instead. Make sure it’s tight so it doesn’t come loose after continued use.

Then, turn your water on, and it should start filtering any fluoride from your tap supply.

7. Use a Water Distiller

Another option for removing fluoride is to buy a water distiller

A water distiller doesn’t use activated charcoal or a filter system. Instead, it uses a high heat source inside of the unit to burn off contaminants as steam. This means you’ll have to boil your drinking water before using it in order to remove any traces of fluoride naturally.

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Once all of the toxins have been burned away during this process, all that will be left behind is pure drinking water that’s free from unwanted contaminants.

8. Water Filter Pitcher

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of hooking up a fluoride filter under your sink, consider getting a water filter pitcher instead. These are extremely convenient because they let you make filtered water on demand whenever you need it.

Typically, these units have either carbon filters or reverse osmosis systems that work together with BPA-free plastic materials to remove contaminants from tap water.

They’re relatively affordable and will typically last for about 2 – 3 months before needing replacement filters.

9. Deionizer Water Machine

One of the more expensive ways to remove fluoride is by buying a deionizer water machine.

These are designed for use in office settings or large residential buildings, but they can also be used at home. Rather than using filters, these machines use alternating electrical currents to separate ions so your tap water won’t have any negative effects on your health.

They’re typically hooked up to large tanks that hold several gallons of your drinking water at once. Once the machine has finished its work, it will purify the water and release it into your home’s plumbing system for regular use.

It may take some time before you see any noticeable differences in your tap water, but this is one of the most effective ways to get rid of fluoride naturally.

Final Thoughts

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral with all kinds of benefits for your teeth and bones – but it’s also can be detrimental to people in large quantities.

That’s why you should do everything you can to remove fluoride from your home’s water supply. This includes using activated charcoal filters, deionizer machines, or any one of the other methods listed in this article.

Don’t let fluoride take over your tap water because it can cause problems if you’re exposed to too much. The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can naturally remove fluoride from your water supply.

About the author

I started working as a quality control manager with the Water Authority of Nassau County in 2005. After a few years, I moved into Water Waste Prevention, where I currently work as the production supervisor. I love my job and the people I work with, but most of all I love spending time with my family.