Have you been noticing an unfamiliar metallic taste in coffee you brew each morning? If so, you’re not alone. Many people often experience this strange phenomenon when drinking coffee and wonder what’s causing it.

Fortunately, the cause of this strange metallic taste is usually easy to identify and fix.

Step 1 – Water Quality Could Be the Culprit

The first thing to consider is the quality of your tap water.

Depending on where your home is located, there may be different minerals present in your tap water that can affect the flavor of your brewed coffee – causing it to have a slightly metallic or even salty taste.

If you’re noticing a metallic taste when drinking your coffee, try using filtered or bottled water instead of ‘straight from the tap’ water. This will help make sure that any minerals present in your tap water don’t make their way into your cup of coffee.

Step 2 – How Is Your Coffee Stored

Another possible cause of a metallic flavor in your coffee could be related to how you store the grounds after opening them.

If you keep an open bag of grounds in a humid environment (such as near a sink), then moisture from that environment can start to affect the flavor of the grounds – causing them to taste stale or even metallic.

To prevent this from happening, try storing your open bags of ground in airtight containers that are located away from moisture sources like sinks or bathrooms. This will help keep them fresher for longer and make sure they don’t have any off-flavors when brewing them into the coffee.

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Step 3 – Your Machine Might Need Cleaning

If you’re still finding that your coffee has a metallic taste after switching to filtered or bottled water, then it might be time to give your machine a good cleaning.

Mineral deposits can accumulate on the heating element and other parts of the machine over time and introduce metallic flavors into your coffee.

Most machines have specific instructions for how to clean them properly, if yours doesn’t have any, then you can check with the manufacturer or do a quick search online to find out how to give your machine a thorough cleaning.

Step 4 – Check Your Coffee Maker Filters

Your coffee maker probably came with several filters meant to keep sediment out of your brew and provide better-tasting cups of coffee.

Chances are you’ve been replacing these filters regularly, but if not, then they could be the source of the metallic flavor in your hot cup of coffee.

Try replacing your coffee filters with new ones and see if that makes any difference in taste. Sometimes swapping out your coffee machine filters can be all it takes to get rid of that off a metallic taste.

Step 5 – Where Is Your Coffee Sourced From?

Coffee beans also tend to lose their freshness over time, so using newer beans will help improve the flavor significantly. 

If you don’t know where your coffee comes from, you should consider researching the source of your beans. Depending on where they are sourced, their flavor may vary greatly.

Coffee beans grown in Latin America, for example, will have a very strong and bold flavor, while those sourced from Africa may have a slightly richer aroma.

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So if you want to make sure that you are getting the best possible cup of coffee, make sure you check to know where your beans are sourced from.

Solutions for Metallic Tasting Coffee

If you suspect minerals or chlorine are causing the problem with your coffee’s taste, then the best solution is to purchase a water filter for your home.

Water filters come in all shapes and sizes – from ones that attach directly to your faucet to ones that use reverse osmosis technology – and can remove any impurities from the water before it passes through the coffee maker.

You may also want to consider investing in some fresh coffee beans and a burr grinder so that you can grind them fresh each time. Rather than relying on instant coffee granules which might have been sitting around for a while.

This will ensure a fresh cup of coffee every time and help you enjoy the full flavor of your favorite brew.

Final Thoughts

A strange metallic taste can definitely put a damper on anyone’s morning routine – especially when it comes from something as important as coffee! Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do if you’re experiencing this issue – from switching up the type of water you use to giving your machine a good cleaning.

Try using fresh beans and filtered/distilled water when brewing, storing any opened bags away from humidity sources and keeping tabs on how long ago you bought those grounds.

These steps should help ensure that each cup of coffee tastes as good as it possibly can so that you can enjoy your morning routine with no distractions.

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About the author

I started working as a quality control manager with the Water Authority of Nassau County in 2005. After a few years, I moved into Water Waste Prevention, where I currently work as the production supervisor. I love my job and the people I work with, but most of all I love spending time with my family.